This project was developed alongside FORWARD ASSOCIATES and their social media team, looking to create some engaging illustrations to represent 2022 as it happened through sport. For me, this was an amazing project to develop over the course of 12 months. The chance to move away from one particular style allowed me to experiment within my medium, something I haven't really done in the past 4 years. I think when I first started illustrating, I had my mind so hung up on keeping everything I drew in the same style - not tackling the flexibility of the human form, facial expressions and also not being afraid to create work with no background context. I think working this way has opened me up to drawing with a new freedom. I've spoken before about how drawing can be a complete release from the realness of day to day life, I think that even within my drawings you can find yourself trapped. Developing new styles and allowing yourself to experiment from what you normally do is incredibly beneficial. I treated each drawing as a clean slate and am already looking forward to the next year. As always, thank you for your time and I hope you enjoy scrolling through these illustrations